Justice for Ociel

We demand that the government and prosecutors of Aguascalientes achieve justice for the murder of Jesús Ociel Baena Saucedo.

Activists and community leaders from across Mexico, Latin America, and the Caribbean are heartbroken as we learn that violence has claimed the life of the first non-binary person to ascend to an electoral tribunal in Latin America - someone who dedicated their life to promote the visibility and human rights of the LGBT+ community.

We will not allow the crime that took the life of Magistrate Jesús Ociel Baena Saucedo to go unpunished. Ociel, we will miss you very much, your friends, family, community, and supporters mourn your loss. Our fight will not be the same without you, but we promise to never give up, and we will not rest until everything you fought, lived and died for becomes a reality.

0people have signed
Goal: 30,000

To the Government, the Attorney General's Office of the State of Aguascalientes and the Media

We demand that the authorities and the Prosecutor's Office of the State of Aguascalientes carry out an investigation in accordance with the law; one that respects due process and the sexual diversity, gender and human rights of the victims. We demand that those responsible for the murder of Ociel and their partner, sexual diversity activist Dorian Daniel Nieves Herrera, be brought to justice. We request reparation for the pain caused by Ociel’s murder, and clear measures moving forward to prevent this injustice from happening again. We are extremely concerned about the verbal, mental and physical violence committed against the non-binary community and other LGBT+ people. We must be clear: Mexico ranks second in Latin America in terms of violence, abuse and murder against trans people.

We also demand that the media refrain from sharing sensitive images that promote the revictimization of Ociel and Dorian, as well as to be mindful of the narratives they are prematurely pushing. The media must also respect the gender identities of Ociel and Dorian and use the correct pronouns.

No more impunity! Justice Now!



#NiUnxMas #NiUnxMenos

0people have signed
Goal: 30,000