Banning Conversion Therapy in South Africa

Help end the harmful practice of conversion therapy in South Africa. Sign to protect LGBT+ lives!

In South Africa, the shadow of conversion therapy looms over the LGBT+ community. This archaic practice, designed to 'convert' individuals from their inherent sexual orientation or gender identity, continues to operate under the radar. Despite global condemnation, conversion therapy endangers the mental and physical well-being of LGBT+ individuals, leading to tragic outcomes, including loss of life.

The impact of conversion therapy in South Africa is profound. LGBT+ persons subjected to these inhumane methods suffer long-lasting psychological trauma, ostracization, and are at an increased risk of suicidal behavior. This is a violation of human rights and dignity that the South African government has a responsibility to address.

Sign this petition to call on the South African Parliament to enact legislation that bans conversion therapy. Your signature sends a clear message that this cruel practice has no place in our society and that you value the lives and rights of the LGBT+ community.

0people have signed
Goal: 20,000

To South African Parliament:

To the Honorable Members of the South African Parliament,

We call upon you to take immediate action to protect the mental health and human rights of the LGBT+ community in South Africa by banning the practice of conversion therapy. 

This dangerous practice has cost the lives of many LBGT+ individuals around the world and is still being practiced in the country. As a country that prides itself on progressive laws that protects everyone in the country, we should be at the forefront of stopping these kinds of pratices and making sure our citizens are protected from this kind of abuse and psychological torture.

We urge you to introduce and pass legislation that makes conversion therapy illegal in all its forms. It is your duty to safeguard the well-being of all citizens, and by banning conversion therapy, you will be taking a stand for human dignity and equality.

0people have signed
Goal: 20,000