Two moms victims of lesbophobia at daughter's school

A private school in Brazil tried to prevent two lesbian mothers from participating in the Mother's Day celebration. Sign the petition to submit a formal complaint to the Public Prosecutor's Office!

Mariana and Larissa, mothers of Marina – who is just 4 years old – were preparing to celebrate Mother's Day when they faced discrimination by their daughter’s school.

The private school "Asas de Papel", in the northeast of Brazil, tried to prevent both from participating in a Mother's Day tribute. In a WhatsApp message, the school's educational team stated that only one of them would be permitted to attend, as it was an "educational environment."

But it didn’t stop there: when Lari and Mari stated that they were both mothers and would participate together in the tribute – and that, if they were disrespected again, they would file a complaint – the school claimed the institutional right to be "fair and meticulous," and that they would never jeopardize "such a beautiful moment, or exposing the mothers to uncomfortable situations."

Just imagine: Mariana and Larissa - who not only have their family recognized by biological and emotional ties but also legally - were embarrassed, humiliated, and violated in an environment that should be welcoming and educational. This is a crime of LGBTphobia!

For over 10 years, the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court has equated same-sex relationships to those between men and women, recognizing same-sex unions as a legitimate form of family establishment. No mother, father, or any other LGBT+ family member should endure the pain of having their dual motherhood or parenthood denied!

In the face of such violence, it is the support of thousands that has kept the family firm in their fight. Can we count on your voice? Let's gather thousands of signatures to submit a formal complaint to the Public Prosecutor's Office.

It’s time for our voices to press for the enforcement of the law: we want justice! Sign now!

This campaign is being carried out by Larissa and Mariana with the support of All Out.

0people have signed
Goal: 30,000

To the Public Prosecutor's Office of Bahia

We, Larissa and Mariana, along with all the people who have signed this petition, ask the Public Prosecutor's Office of Bahia to accept this complaint and hold the "Asas de Papel" school in Feira de Santana/BA accountable for the crime of homophobia and for discriminating against the participation and inclusion of LGBT+ families.

Furthermore, we request that the Public Prosecutor's Office mandate the school to provide training for all school staff, professional development for educators, as well as for students, and to organize lectures and events that promote respect for LGBT+ families. We also suggest semi-annual actions that can contribute to respect for gender and sexual diversity.

This fight is the fight of many people and is intertwined with all the diversity inherent in human life. The school has been committing acts of violence and denying rights that are guaranteed by law, not only against this family. Many people, encouraged by the complaint made by the mothers, have also had the courage to speak out about the violence they have experienced or are experiencing. The request is that the institution be penalized. Moreover, we ask that the Public Prosecutor's Office also help change the context of LGBTphobia promoted by the educational institution, enable the reduction of the existing lack of inclusion policies that are already guaranteed by law and that the school refuses to provide.

0people have signed
Goal: 30,000