Mexico: President AMLO It’s Time to Prioritize LGBT+ Rights

With the recent escalation in anti-LGBT+ violence that has left at least 9 victims in less than a month, it’s more important than ever the government prioritize LGBT+ rights.

My name is Salma Luévano Luna, a Mexican politician and LGBT+ rights activist, and I briefly recently met with Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) to discuss how we can work together to address LGBT+ rights in México.

Since that meeting less than a month ago, there have been atrocious crimes and violent acts against trans people throughout my country – including at least 5 murders of trans women.

In México, hate speech has been the prelude to hate crimes that have done so much damage to our communities. That’s why it is so urgent that we work for the protection, respect, and dignity of LGTBIQ+ people – which is why I have been insistent that a formal hearing be held.

We have already made immense progress in the current legislature, however, there is still a long way to go in terms of laws and government action to guarantee basic security to our community.

So far, we’ve presented 17 initiatives on issues related to sexual and gender minorities and two of them have already been passed in commissions, but are awaiting votes in the full House.

I know that President López Obrador cares about the welfare of México’s LGBT+ community, but we continue to be killed simply for being who we are.

That is why I am asking for a hearing on behalf of the LGTBIQ+ community. Join me in this call and sign this petition so together we can put pressure on the President of México.

Sincerely yours,

Salma Luévano Luna

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Goal: 10,000

President of México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Mr. President, we must prioritize the rights, safety, and security of México’s diverse LGBT+ community.

We ask that you immediately schedule a public hearing focused on the protection of México’s LGTBIQ+ agenda, to discuss progress and outline action plans so that more legal protections are created for our community. There are currently 17 initiatives in the House of Deputies, and two of them are ready to be discussed in the full House. It is critical that this agenda continues to advance, in order to stop this violence from continuing to claim LGTBIQ+ lives.

0people have signed
Goal: 10,000