Justice for Avaz Hafizli!

We demand justice for Avaz Hafizli from the state of Azerbaijan and the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev

Azerbaijani version is here

LGBTQI+ activist Avaz Hafizli, whose political activities and LGBTQ+ activism have been targeted for years in Azerbaijan, was beheaded and killed. Currently, we cannot follow the trials of Avaz Hafizli and we cannot remain silent against this illegality. The criminal case related to the knitting of Avaz Hafizli is being considered at the Baku Serious Crimes Court (Bakı Ağır Cinayətlər Məhkəməsi). Media representatives and LGBTQI+ activists gather in front of the courthouse every time. We protest the failure to prevent hate crimes by chanting. The next trial was supposed to be held on July 4, but the case was postponed when one of the judges went on vacation. The next trial is scheduled for July 18. That day, when we waited for more than 1 hour, the employee standing at the door told us that "we will only let 4-5 people in". People can enter the open court until the hall is full. At the first meeting, we were not allowed to enter the court at all (only representatives of the UK embassy who came to watch the court proceedings were allowed to enter, NOT citizens). The incident took place on February 22, in Balakhani settlement. His cousin Amrulla Gulaliyev is accused of murdering Avaz. Family members of the parties do not appear in court proceedings. Also, since the legal succession is given to the family, Avaz Hafizli's lawyer cannot join the case. We have no lives to lose, no rights to be given. On July 18, at 15:30, we will gather again in front of the 3rd hall of the Baku Court of Serious Crimes (Bakı Ağır Cinayətlər Məhkəməsi). We demand:

- Citizens should be admitted to the courtroom in a fair manner. - The blogger named Sevinj Huseynova, who was thanked after the death of Avaz (previously, the blogger had called for the beheading of trans people, when Avaz objected to this, she also targeted Avaz) should be brought to justice.

- The institutions to which Avaz Hafizli repeatedly applied for his safety, but did not look into his case, should be brought to justice.

- In addition to the clause "intentional murder" in the process of compensation, the article "murder with special cruelty" should be added.

Also, we feel the emptiness of the absence of any law in Azerbaijan regarding hate killings in our lives. We invite activists, journalists and everyone to solidarity! We see the cause of these injustices as the legal loopholes and unfair judicial system of the Azerbaijan state, and we, as the signatories of this petition, will express our demands by sending our signatures to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

0people have signed
Goal: 300

To President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan:

Azerbaijani version is bellow

We LGBTQ+ people living in Azerbaijan are systematically attacked, hunted by the police and killed. Avaz Hafizli, who single-handedly publicized the recent trans murders in Azerbaijan, was also killed in a terrible manner. We think this murder is political. We need support and to make our voices heard.

Biz Azərbaycanda yaşayan LGBTQ+lər sistematik şəkildə hücumlara, polis ovlarına və ölümlərə məruz qalırıq. Azərbaycanda son dövrlərdə baş verən trans qətllərini tək başına işıqlandıran Əvəz Hafizli də dəhşətli şəkildə öldürülüb. Biz bu qətlin siyasi olduğunu düşünürük. Bizim dəstəyə və səsimizi duyurmağa ehtiyacımız var.

0people have signed
Goal: 300