Hong Kong court has ruled that same-sex couple can apply for public housing. Yet Government Officials are considering to appeal against it.
Hong Kong does not recognise same-sex marriages or partnerships. The government’s policy denies the right for same-sex couples married overseas to apply public housing as a family. Nick Infinger challenges this policy. He got married with his husband abroad, then filed a judicial review case in 2018.
Good news came on March 4, 2020 when the High Court ruled that the government’s policy is unlawful and unconstitutional. That means same-sex couple married overseas can now apply for public housing as a family. However, HK LGBT+ community cannot yet claim victory.
Hong Kong government has 28 days to submit an appeal against the court’s ruling, and they are very likely to do so.
Please help to tell Hong Kong officials not to appeal!
Nick is a member of a LGBTI+ activist group called Rainbow Action. We need your help!
彩虹行動成員Nick Infinger是男同志,他與男友婚後在香港申請公屋被拒,高等法院於今年3月4日裁定房委會犯下性傾向歧視,代表港府須接納已於海外結婚的同性伴侶申請公屋。