FIFA broke its own standards and rules when selecting Qatar as the 2022 World Cup host nation.
Qatar will host the 2022 FIFA World Cup despite the fact it is one of the world’s most LGBTphobic nations.
How did this happen? How could FIFA – an organization that touts itself as celebrating pride and diversity – select a nation where homosexuality is illegal to host its biggest tournament?
FIFA has long boasted about its commitments to anti-discrimination, human rights, and equality, but from FIFA’s 2018 World Cup in Russia to this year’s World Cup in Qatar, FIFA is failing to live up to the standards they themselves created.
If FIFA wants to remain the leading global authority on football, it must do better and actually follow the guidelines they set. But it is up to us, people like you, to hold them accountable. If FIFA is truly a champion of human rights and equality – as its leaders claim – then it must follow their guiding principles and never select such a staunch human rights abuser to host the World Cup again.