Kenya: STOP ignoring the Geneva Convention

Right now, LGBTQ+ asylum seekers in Kenya are facing extreme discrimination. Kenya bans asylum recognition for LGBTQ+ persons.

LGBTQ+ displaced persons in Kenya face increasing violence, discrimination, and persecution from the public and the government. Recent statements from the CSA of Department of Refugee Services Kenya have excluded LGBTQ+ individuals from the refugee mandate, leaving them without legal protection or support. Historically, Kenya provided refuge for LGBTQ+ people fleeing danger, but the situation has worsened dramatically since 2017. From 2017, the government refused to process LGBTQ+ asylum claims, forcing over 400 people to flee to South Sudan for safety.

This exclusion exposes LGBTQ+ refugees to greater risks of persecution, violence, and exploitation, with no legal recourse. These individuals, some of whom have been waiting for asylum decisions for nearly a decade, are left vulnerable to further trauma. Decision-makers like the Department of Refugee Services (DRS) and UNHCR Kenya are failing to uphold international human rights standards, while the media and major NGOs remain silent. LGBTQ+ voices are also absent from forums where decisions affecting their lives are made, increasing their isolation and risk.

Call to Action:
Sign this petition to demand that Kenya include LGBTQ+ persons in the refugee mandate and ensure their protection. Your signature will go directly to decision-makers and help hold the UNHCR and Kenyan government accountable. Join the fight to protect vulnerable LGBTQ+ refugees and ensure their right to safety and dignity. Sign the petition to save lives and stop discrimination now!

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Goal: 500

To UNHCR Kenya, High Commissioner UNHCR, Director United Nations, Amnesty International, United Nations Human Rights Council, IOM, UNHCR Geneva, NGLHRC, Kenya Human Rights Commission, Refugees agencies and NGOs, Church World service, Refugee point, RCK, Human Rights groups, DRS:

We, the undersigned, call on you to take immediate action to protect LGBTQ+ displaced persons in Kenya, who face growing violence, discrimination, and exclusion from the refugee mandate. Recent statements from the Department of Refugee Services (DRS) Commissioner confirm that the Kenyan government is no longer recognizing LGBTQ+ individuals within the refugee mandate, leaving them vulnerable to persecution, violence, and exploitation. Many have been waiting nearly a decade for asylum decisions, and over 400 members of this community have fled to South Sudan in search of safety.
This exclusion not only violates the basic human rights of these individuals but also disregards Kenya's obligations under international law, including the 1951 Refugee Convention. As key decision-makers, you have the power to reverse this exclusion and ensure that LGBTQ+ asylum seekers are protected from harm and granted the rights they are due.
We respectfully urge you to:
1. Reinstate LGBTQ+ persons under the refugee mandate in Kenya.
2. Resume processing asylum claims for this vulnerable community.
3. Ensure their safety by addressing discrimination and violence against them.
4. Facilitate resettlement opportunities and grant exit visas for those at risk.
5. Include LGBTQ+ representation in the Global Refugee Forum and Refugee Working Groups to ensure their voices are heard and their needs addressed in global decision-making processes.

6. Department of Refugee Services (DRS) should officially retract the discriminatory statement made by the DRS Commissioner, which excluded LGBTQ+ individuals from protection under the refugee mandate.
Your immediate intervention is crucial to upholding Kenya’s commitment to human rights, protecting the lives of LGBTQ+ refugees, and ensuring fair representation on the international stage. We look forward to your positive response.

0people have signed
Goal: 500