Burundi: Condemn Anti-LGBT+ Violence

Help stop anti-LGBT+ violence in Burundi. Sign to defend human rights and dignity!

In a shocking disregard for fundamental human rights and dignity, His Excellency President of the Republic of Burundi, Évariste NDAYISHIMIYE, has publicly called for the lynching of gay individuals. This violent and anti-LGBT+ rhetoric endangers the lives of many individuals in Burundi and stains the nation's commitment to human rights. 

Such discourse not only incites homophobia and violence but also violates international human rights laws and norms that protect individuals regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

The impact of this statement is not merely rhetorical; it poses a real and immediate threat to the safety and well-being of the LGBT+ community in Burundi. It encourages hate crimes, promotes discrimination, and undermines progress made towards equality and justice. This is not just a problem for the LGBT+ community but a stain on the moral fabric of our global society, reflecting on us all.

We call on partners, organizations, donors, activists, and allies from around the world to stand in solidarity with the Burundian LGBT+ community. Your support is crucial in amplifying voices and advocating for safety and rights.

Sign this petition to demand the retraction of the violent speech, a commitment to protecting the LGBT+ community in Burundi, and adherence to universal principles of human dignity and respect. Your signature sends a powerful message that the world is watching, and we stand united for love, equality, and justice.

0people have signed
Goal: 6,000

To: His Excellency Mr. President of the Republic of Burundi, Évariste NDAYISHIMIYE

We, human rights defenders, are deeply troubled and condemn the recent statements advocating violence against the LGBT+ community in Burundi. Your call to stone gay individuals constitutes a blatant violation of human rights and an incitement to violence and discrimination.

Your Excellency Mr. President of the Republic, we applaud your often declared intention to build a state of law. We urge you to retract these statements and commit to respecting the dignity and rights of all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. We are sending you this letter with the intention of advocating for the safety, rights, and well-being of a community in danger.

As the Leader of the country, you have the responsibility to protect all Burundian citizens without distinction and to promote a society where diversity is respected and where individuals can live without fear of persecution or violence. We implore you to take the necessary measures to:

● Withdraw your statement advocating violence against the LGBT+ community;

● Commit to protecting LGBT+ individuals in Burundi by enforcing laws that guarantee rights and well-being;

● Respect international human rights conventions, ensuring that Burundi is a nation that respects and values every human life.

Your attention to this matter is crucial. History will remember the actions you take towards justice. We eagerly await your response and commitment to change.

0people have signed
Goal: 6,000