Morocco: Love is not a crime

Join our call to urge Morocco to end the criminalization of love. Your support is crucial in building a future where no one is left behind. Take action now.

In Morocco, the shadow of outdated laws looms over the LGBT+ community, where Article 489 of the Penal Code unjustly criminalizes "lewd or unnatural acts" between same-sex individuals. 

Same-sex activity can therefore be punished with anything from six months to three years imprisonment and a fine of 120 to 1,200 dirhams (12 to 120 USD).

This archaic legislation not only contradicts natural human diversity but also subjects countless individuals to imprisonment, fines, and discrimination. The impact of such laws is profound and far-reaching, affecting lives, freedom, and the fundamental human right to love. 

However, a unique opportunity has arisen. The newly elected Minister of Justice removed the draft law regarding criminal code procedures proposed by the Islamist parliament and is open to reevaluating what constitutes a crime. With these shifts in Morocco's political landscape, we stand at a pivotal moment to advocate for change and equality.

Your signature can be the catalyst for monumental change. By signing this petition, you join a global movement advocating for the abolition of Article 489, the criminalization of hate and violence against the LGBT+ community, and the protection of human rights defenders. This is about more than just legal reform; it's about affirming the dignity and freedom of every individual, regardless of who they love.

Morocco stands at a crossroads. The decisions made now will echo for generations. Be part of this pivotal moment. Support our cause to ensure that love is never a crime and that the LGBT+ community in Morocco can live with the dignity and freedom they rightfully deserve. Every signature counts, every voice matters. Stand with us. #DecriminalizeLove #EqualityForAll

0people have signed
Goal: 40,000

To Minister of Justice, Abdellatif Ouahbi, and the Moroccan House of Representatives:

We, the undersigned, urge you to seize this moment of legislative reform to eradicate discrimination and criminalization based on sexual orientation. We urge you to:

- Abolish Article 489 of the Moroccan Criminal Code.
- Introduce and enforce laws that protect LGBT+ community members, refugees, and other vulnerable groups from hate and violence.
- Release of all individuals detained under Article 489.
- Ensure robust protection for human rights defenders, including those advocating for sexual minorities.
- Provide justice and accountability for victims of state-sanctioned violence and defamation.
- Recognize and support queer associations and groups, affirming their right to organize and lifting bans and restrictions on them.

0people have signed
Goal: 40,000