Morocco: Justice for jailed child accused of being gay

A minor in Ouarzazate faces 6 months in prison after he was accused for being gay . Help end Morocco's outdated anti-LGBT+ laws. Sign the petition now

In Ouarzazate, Morocco, a deeply concerning incident has come to light that underscores the broader issue of anti-LGBT+ laws in the country. A young minor, a survivor of a traumatic assault and rape spanning over three years, finds himself doubly victimized. Instead of receiving the much-needed support and justice, he was sentenced to prison after being accused of being gay. 

The gravity of the situation is magnified when one considers that the muezzin, a figure of authority in a mosque, was found guilty of the indecent assault and rape of this minor. While the muezzin received an eight-year prison sentence for his actions spanning over three years, the minor's sentence is both alarming and unacceptable. Already deeply traumatized by the violence he endured, he was sentenced to six months in prison and a fine of 2,000 DH (around 200 USD) after being accused of being gay.

This plea isn't just about one individual; it underscores the need for change in Morocco's laws that unjustly target the LGBT+ community.

Let's unite and make a change. Sign the petition today.

0people have signed
Goal: 30,000

To Moroccan authorities/Ministry of Justice:

In Ouarzazate, Morocco, a grave injustice has unfolded that emphasizes the pressing issue of anti-LGBT+ laws in the nation. A minor, who endured a traumatizing assault and rape for over three years, was reprehensibly sentenced to prison after being accused of being gay.

While the assailant, a muezzin, has been sentenced to eight years in prison for his heinous crimes, it is deeply concerning that the survivor, already scarred by the assault, has been further victimized with a six-month prison term and a 2,000 DH fine after being accused of being gay.

This incident isn't isolated; it mirrors the broader challenge of outdated laws in Morocco that criminalize the LGBT+ community. We strongly call for:

The immediate release of the minor survivor. It's a travesty of justice that a child, already traumatized by assault, faces further harm due to outdated laws.
A comprehensive review and reform of Morocco's laws regarding homosexuality. The time has come to decriminalize love and ensure that the LGBT+ community is protected from institutionalized discrimination.

We call upon you to consider the grave repercussions of such laws on the lives of innocent individuals, particularly the youth. By taking action, you have the power to usher in a new era of acceptance, understanding, and protection for all citizens, regardless of their sexuality.

0people have signed
Goal: 30,000