Stop the Repression Against the LGBTQ+ Community in Belarus

Belarus could soon pass a draconian law criminalizing LGBTQ+ people. Sign to protect queer people in Belarus from this attack on their lives and dignity. Призываем вас выступить против принятия анти-ЛГБТ закона в Беларуси.

Update - 9. December 2024: Belarus is intensifying its crackdown on LGBT+ communities, with recent police raids targeting activists in Minsk, who were beaten and forced to disclose contacts. Activists report over 30 detentions in three months, including multiple trans people.


Update – 1 October 2024: Amid the impending LGBT propaganda law under review, a brutal crackdown on the LGBT+ community has intensified since late August 2024. At least eight transgender people have been arrested, along with over 30 others detained. Those targeted have endured beatings, psychological pressure, and verbal abuse. Some were charged with hooliganism, while others face criminal charges related to so-called “pornography.” Fearing for their safety, several individuals have already fled the country.


Русскоязычную версию смотрите ниже.

We, representatives of TG House Belarus, a non-governmental LGBTQ+ organization, appeal to all those who believe in freedom, equality, and human rights. Currently, a law is being prepared in Belarus that criminalizes the "promotion of non-traditional relationships." This law is not just discrimination; it is an attack on the lives and dignity of thousands of people.

The bill to "ban LGBT propaganda," currently under review, grossly violates basic human rights and demeans the dignity of LGBTQ+ people. The Ministry of Culture of Belarus, through resolution No. 24 dated March 19th, has already effectively equated any public support for the LGBTQ+ community with pornography, making any expression of solidarity with our community impossible. People are afraid to be themselves, afraid to love, afraid to speak.

If this law is passed, thousands of people in Belarus will be criminalized simply for being who they are. A new wave of repression and discrimination will be unleashed, which could lead to horrific consequences: an increase in violence, suicides, and the forced exile of people from the country.

Your support can save lives; your solidarity can inspire those who are now afraid to continue living and fighting.

Sign this petition, share it, and tell your friends and families about our struggle. Together, we can stop the repression; together, we can protect human rights and save the lives of thousands of people.

Остановите репрессии против ЛГБТК+ сообщества в Беларуси!

Мы, представители TG House Belarus, неправительственной ЛГБТК+ организации, обращаемся ко всем людям, которые верят в свободу, равенство и права человека. Сегодня в Беларуси готовится закон, который объявляет «пропаганду нетрадиционных отношений» преступлением. Этот закон — не просто дискриминация, это нападение на жизнь и достоинство тысяч людей.

Законопроект о «запрете ЛГБТ пропаганды», который сейчас проходит согласование, грубо нарушает основные права человека и унижает достоинство людей ЛГБТК+ сообщества. Министерство культуры Беларуси постановлением №24 от 19 марта уже фактически приравняло любую публичную поддержку ЛГБТК+ к порнографии, что делает невозможным любое выражение солидарности с нашим сообществом. Люди боятся быть собой, боятся любить, боятся говорить.

Если этот закон будет принят, тысячи людей в Беларуси окажутся вне закона только за то, что они являются теми, кем они являются. Будет развязана новая волна репрессий и дискриминации, которая может привести к страшным последствиям: росту насилия, самоубийствам, вытеснению людей за границы страны.

Ваша поддержка может спасти жизни, ваша солидарность может вдохновить тех, кто сейчас боится, на то, чтобы продолжать жить и бороться.

Подпишите эту петицию, распространите ее, расскажите о нашей борьбе своим друзьям и семьям. Вместе мы можем остановить репрессии, вместе мы можем защитить права человека и сохранить жизни тысяч людей.


*The security situation in Belarus is very precarious. All Out and TG House in principle, do not share any personal data such as names, emails etc. with any third party. For the delivery of this petition, we will not share the signature list with Belarusian or any affiliated authorities. However, if you do not feel safe sharing your actual name, for example if you are located in a place with a precarious security situation, you are welcome to sign with a pseudonym.

0people have signed
Goal: 50,000

To The Belarusian Government:

We urgently call on you to oppose the proposed law that criminalizes the "promotion of non-traditional relationships."

This law is not only discriminatory, but it also violates basic human rights and threatens the lives and dignity of thousands of people in our country.

We demand that you:

Reject the anti-LGBTQ+ Law: Prevent the passage of this bill, which would criminalize expressions of LGBTQ+ identity and support, leading to increased repression, violence, and social division.

Uphold human rights: Ensure that all citizens, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, are protected under the law and can live freely without fear of persecution.

Promote equality and inclusion: Actively work towards creating a society that values and respects diversity, where LGBTQ+ individuals can live openly and without discrimination.

Reverse existing discriminatory measures: Revoke Resolution No. 24, which equates public support for the LGBTQ+ community with obscenity, and instead promote policies that protect and empower vulnerable groups.

We urge you to choose the path of justice and equality. Protect the rights and dignity of all Belarusian citizens by rejecting this harmful legislation and fostering a society where everyone can live freely and with pride.

Мы призываем международное сообщество, правозащитные организации, мировых лидеров и всех неравнодушных людей выступить против этого закона и использовать все доступные им средства, чтобы оказать давление на белорусские власти.

0people have signed
Goal: 50,000