Protect Scotland's Census

We urgently need your help to ensure trans people stay included and respected in Scotland’s Census. No one should have to deny who they are

Members of the Scottish Parliament will soon decide whether to force trans people to answer the census with the sex recorded on their birth certificate.

This would be a big change and a huge step back. A cruel way of saying to trans people -- your life and your identity aren’t real. 

We believe our world is kinder and better when we trust people to know themselves. When we allow everyone to live in a way that feels right to them.

So please sign now to ask our politicians to protect Scotland’s census and stand up for kindness, respect and freedom.

0people have signed
Goal: 10,000

To Members of the Scottish Parliament:

To MSPs,

Please protect Scotland’s Census. Approve the Scottish Government’s plans for the Census – don’t change it to hurt trans people.

0people have signed
Goal: 10,000