Barbados Protect Trans Workers

Tell the Barbadian Parliament to include Trans workers in the Employment (Protection from Discriminations) Bill 2020.

Transgender Barbadians endure daily discrimination and are regularly denied or forced out of jobs simply for who they are. Transgender woman, Alexa Hoffmann, was recently fired from a law firm for legally changing her name. This systemic discrimination pushes transgender people into dangerous situations where they find it difficult to finance their basic needs for survival. Transgender people are also subjected to exploitation because of vulnerability and such socially sanctioned hostility has led to high rates of violence, including sometimes murder.


Barbados’ highest court, the Caribbean Court of Justice, and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights that also binds Barbados, have both declared that transgender people must be protected from discrimination.


However, the Barbadian House of Assembly just passed an Employment (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2020 (EPD) that deliberately excludes transgender people by ignoring gender identity and expression. The country’s Senate now has to approve the Bill, but it must be amended to protect all citizens, regardless of who they are.


Join us and tell the Parliament of Barbados to protect Trans workers by including gender identity and expression in the EPD.


Barbados is very dependent on tourism and is sensitive to its international reputation. So, your voice will make a difference!

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To The members of the Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados:

Dear Honourable Members of the Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados,

We the undersigned write to urge that the Employment (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2020 be amended to protect persons from workplace discrimination based on their gender identity and expression.

This is urgently needed to prevent the systemic discrimination that affects transgender Barbadians, like Alexa Hoffmann who was fired because she legally changed her name. 

Without this employment protection, transgender citizens will continue to be vulnerable to exploitation.

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Goal: 1,000