Reject the Gender Studies Ban in Romania

Regarding: L87/2020 Law on amending and completing Law no. 1/2011 on National Education

We are very distressed at the recent news about the law which has been passed by the Romanian Government aimed at banning all discussion about and around gender identity in academic and educational settings.

Namely, the law would impose a ban on “all activities aimed at distributing gender identity theories or any opinions around gender identity, whereby this is defined as the theory or opinion according to which gender represents a separate concept from biological sex, and that these two are not always identical.”

Not only is this Law an attack on the trans community, but it is also an attack on academic autonomy, intellectual freedom, the right to education. Furthermore, it encourages sexism and violence against women.

We are reaching out in the hope that you will empathise with the plight of the Trans community in Romania, and prioritise freedom of expression (including gender expression), equity, equality and safety for all citizens, irrespective of their background.

NY Times Coverage

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The law violates freedom of expression

The Law constitutes an attack on the transgender community in Romania, already a vulnerable community who is in dire need of support from the Romanian state

The Law constitutes an attack on academic autonomy – prominent academic establishments have already spoken against it

The Law in question violates intellectual freedom and the right to education

The Law encourages gender inequality

Its provisions are in breach of Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights

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Goal: 5,000