Stop Netanyahu’s anti lgbtq+ legislation

Netanyahu’s coalition agreements with factions from the far right extremists stipulate that the anti-discrimination law is to be amended to allow business and institution to deny service to lgbtq+ customers

Netanyahu's new coalition formed six weeks ago consists of factions from the extreme right in Israel: 'Jewish Power' and 'Noam'- two openly and explicitly anti lgbtq+ parties. Under the coalition agreements the government is putting forward a bill that will allow businesses to deny services on "religious grounds" a euphemism which is intended to deny medical and other services required by lgbtq+ customers. Law makers from said parties went on air and described how a physician could withhold medical care, and how a hotel manager could refuse lgbtq+ families based on the new amendments.
No less important, bills are being put forward as we speak to override the Supreme Court's ability to exercise its power as the ultimate interpreter of the law. This will enable a complete overhaul to our unwritten constitution and would put minorities' rights in Israel and the occupied territories at great peril.
Israel is marching on the same path as Poland and Hungary towards becoming an autocratic regime. As always, lgbtq+ citizens and residents as well as other minorities are first to bear the full brunt of autocracy. 


0people have signed
Goal: 35,000

To PM of Israel, Speaker of the Knesset, Minister of Defence, Minister of Justice, Members of Knesset: Avi Dichter, Gila Gamliel, David Bitan, Chaim Katz, Yisrael Katz, Ophir Katz, Yuli Edelstein:

Netanyahu's new coalition formed six weeks ago consists of factions from the extreme right in Israel: 'Jewish Power' and 'Noam'- two openly and explicitly anti lgbtq+ parties. Under the coalition agreements the government is putting forward a bill that will allow businesses to deny services on "religious grounds" a euphemism which is intended to deny medical and other services required by lgbtq+ customers. Law makers from said parties went on air and described how a physician could withhold medical care, and how a hotel manager could refuse lgbtq+ families based on the new amendments.
No less important, bills are being put forward as we speak to override the Supreme Court's ability to exercise its power as the ultimate interpreter of the law. This will enable a complete overhaul to our unwritten constitution and would put minorities' rights in Israel and the occupied territories at great peril.
Israel is marching on the same path as Poland and Hungary towards becoming an autocratic regime. As always, lgbtq+ citizens and residents as well as other minorities are first to bear the full brunt of autocracy. 

By signing this petition you send a clear message to Netanyahu and his extreme coalition that the lgbtq+ world community stands united and firm with the lgbtq+ communities in Israel: Arabs and Jews alike.
The lgbtq+ communities in Israel and the occupied territories need you more than ever before.

1. Please sign my petition and share it.

2. UK citizens please join this ongoing petition to UK government to ensure that any trades agreement ensures that conditions on lgbtq+ rights are preserved.

Thank you !

0people have signed
Goal: 35,000