Bulgaria: Stop the dangerous Russian style Anti-LGBT+ Law

A shocking new law in Bulgaria effectively bans any mention of LGBT+ lives in schools. We need to fight back. Support local activists and stand up against ignorance and discrimination. Sign Now!

Update – 15 August 2024: The president signed the bill into law. It is to be promulgated in the issue of the State Gazette on 16 August 2024.


On August 7, 2024 - in a cloak-and-dagger operation - the Bulgarian National Assembly introduced a Russian style Anti-LGBT+ law. 

Within the same day, two readings and votes of the shockingly homophobic bill were pushed through, with almost no preliminary information and no chance for civil society to intervene or voice concerns.

The passed bill is an amendment to the so-called Preschool and School Education Act (PSEA). It bans the "the carrying out of propaganda, promotion and incitement in any way, directly or indirectly, of ideas and views related to non-traditional homosexual orientation and/or the determination of gender identity other than biological". 

Essentially, this means it is not allowed to mention or educate students on LGBT+ lives or provide information around sexual orientation or gender identity. It also includes, the mentioned of LGBT+ information “in the vicinity of” these educational establishments. 

The Revival Party modelled a new law on Russian and Hungarian anti-LGBT+ propaganda legislation. This party is part of the Patriots for Europe group in the European Parliament, which includes members interested in forming a "pacifist" and eurosceptic alliance to improve relations with Russia. Some members were expelled from the Identity and Democracy (ID) Group before the European elections due to allegations of Nazi sympathies.

The Venice Commission of the Council of Europe has repeatedly found such anti-LGBT+ laws to violate the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

This legislation is in clear violation of human rights protected by the Constitution, EU law, the European Convention on Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. By stifling discussion and education on these topics, the bill undermines the principles of diversity and inclusion fundamental to a democratic society.

Moreover, the law blatantly contradicts Bulgaria's own constitution, which guarantees access to information, freedom of expression, and equality before the law. By enacting norms that discriminate based on sexual orientation, this bill establishes a dangerous precedent of inequality and censorship.

The implications of this legislation are horrifying. It reinforces harmful stereotypes and stigmatizes LGBT+ people. It fosters a climate of discrimination and ignorance, depriving young people of the opportunity to learn about and understand the diversity of human experiences. We must recognize and respond to this attack on human rights.

Sign now, to call on the European Commission to take swift actions against this clear violation of human rights. 

This petition was started in cooperation between: Deystvie LGBT Youth Organisation, Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, Single Step.

0people have signed
Goal: 20,000

To President of the European Commission, Commissioner for Equality, President of Republic of Bulgaria:

The newly passed Anti-LGBT+ legislation, amending the Bulgarian Preschool and School Education Act, to effectively ban all information on LGBT+ issues in schools, is in clear violation of international and national human rights standards. 

The conduct of the National Assembly underlines the malicious and homophobic attitude underlying this campaign. Therefore, we:

- Request a public statement from the European Commission condemning the passage of this law and affirming the EU’s commitment to protecting the rights of all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.​​

- Call for the initiation of legal action against Bulgaria for violating EU principles of equality, non-discrimination, and human rights as enshrined in EU law and the European Convention on Human Rights

- Call for immediate financial sanction in compliance with European Union law.

- Call on the Bulgarian President to put a veto on this shameful law.

0people have signed
Goal: 20,000