Türkiye: End Forced Deportation of Syrian LGBTQIA+ Refugees

Syrian LGBT+ refugees in Türkiye face forced deportation to Syria, risking their lives. Sign to demand an end to these human rights violations!

In defiance of international law,Türkiye is forcibly deporting Syrian LGBT+ refugees back to Syria, where they face severe persecution and potential death. Article 33 of the Geneva Refugee Convention, to which Türkiye is a signatory, explicitly prohibits the expulsion of refugees to territories where their lives or freedoms could be threatened. Despite this, the Turkish authorities have been coercing deportees to sign "voluntary return" papers, a clear violation of the Convention against Torture.

The impact of these deportations on the LGBT+ community is devastating. Individuals who have sought refuge from the dangers of their war-torn homeland are now being thrust back into environments where they are openly targeted for their sexual orientation and gender identity. The risk of torture, imprisonment, and execution is alarmingly high, especially in areas controlled by extremist factions.

Guardian of Equality Movement (GEM) has released a report that includes testimonies of Syrian LGBT+ refugees who were forcibly deported from  Türkiye100% of the victims were subjected to torture in the deportation process Their stories of abuse, coercion, and life-threatening danger in Syria are heart-wrenching and demand immediate attention. This is not just a statistic; these are real people whose lives are in our hands.

The situation is critical. Deportations are happening now, and each day more lives are put at risk. The Turkish government is ignoring the severe persecution and violence that these refugees will face upon their return to Syria. Immediate action is needed to stop this injustice.

Everyone deserves to live without fear for their lives. This petition is a call for solidarity with Syrian LGBT+ refugees who have fled violence only to face it again in Türkiye. By standing together, we can make a powerful statement against discrimination and uphold the principles of human dignity and safety.


By: Guardians of Equality Movement (GEM)

Partners organization:

HuMENA for Human Rights and Civic Engagement


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0people have signed
Goal: 20,000

To the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), The Republic of Türkiye's Ministry of Interior, the European Court of Human Rights, and the EU commission:

We, the undersigned, call on the Republic of Türkiye to immediately stop the forced deportation of Syrian LGBT+ refugees. This practice is a gross violation of the Geneva Refugee Convention and the Convention against Torture. We urge the Turkish government to respect the principle of non-refoulement and ensure the safety and dignity of all refugees within its borders. Furthermore, we request that the UNHCR and the European Court of Human Rights intervene to protect the rights of these individuals and hold Türkiye accountable for its actions.

0people have signed
Goal: 20,000