Namibia: Veto Anti-LGBTQI+ Bill

Sign this petition calling on the Namibian President to veto the Anti-LGBTQI+ Bill, end hate crimes and uphold human rights

Namibians for equality and allies, highlight the distressing situation stemming from the recent passage of the Anti-LGBTQI+ Bill by the Namibian Parliament. This legislation not only jeopardizes the human rights of the LGBTQI+ community but contradicts constitutional principles of liberation. State-sanctioned homo-transphobia has sparked a surge in hate speech and hate crimes, tragically claiming six queer Namibian lives. The Namibian House is ablaze, and safety eludes us. 


In May 2023, the Supreme Court's recognition of same-sex marriages concluded abroad for immigration purposes faced vehement political backlash. This ruling finally recognised the equal worth and human dignity of LGBTQI+ persons. In July 2023, Parliament hastily passed an Anti-LGBTQI+ Bill, seeking to annul the Supreme Court's ruling and infringe on LGBTQI+ rights without due parliamentary committee review. By passing the bill parliament chose to further the long-standing project of hate and discrimination, rooted in colonialism and apartheid, this time targeting queer people. This undermines democracy and is a threat to the separation of powers. The Office of the President is tasked to uphold the Constitution, prevent the return of apartheid-era sovereignty and protect the Chapter 3 hard fought fundamental Bill of Rights. 

Constitutional Implications of the Bill: 

The bill aims to outlaw domestic same-sex marriage, reversing the Supreme Court verdict, and penalize human rights defenders and allies with prison sentences (six-years) or fines (N$100,000). Additionally, it criminalizes the promotion and advocacy of same-sex marriage and allyship, stifling freedom of expression and association. Making this bill Namibia's most unconstitutional draconian legislation passed since independence. The potential economic fallout, with repercussions on tourism and foreign direct investment, may further harm Namibia's economy. 

Rise in Hate Crimes & Human Rights Violations:

Since the bill's passage, hate-filled rhetoric from MPs has fueled a surge in hate crimes against the LGBTQI+ community, including rape, robbery, and six murders. These undignified and unprecedented killings, including gruesome details of mutilation, underscore the consequences of parliament's legislative hate and sanctioned violence, eroding Namibia's commitment to inclusivity. Our queer siblings, Gerome, Vernon, Queen, Gurney, Stanley, and Sexy Fredericks, were our fellow citizens who belonged in the Namibian House. 

Veto the Bill: 

President Mbumba, Namibia is no longer safe or inclusive for its most vulnerable citizens. The LGBTQI+ community and their allies live in fear, seeking assurance of their equal place in the Namibian House. To honor late President Hage Geingob's legacy- the drafter of the Constitution- and uphold consitutional values, the discriminatory Anti-LGBTQI+ Bill must not receive presidential approval. 

Signed by Namibians for Equality and Allies.

Compiled by: Equal Namibia (@equalnamibia)

0people have signed
Goal: 10,000

To His Excellency Nangolo Mbumba, President of the Republic of Namibia:

We, Namibians for equality and allies, respectfully urge Your Excellency to:

Veto the Anti-LGBTQI+ Bill: Exercise your presidential veto power to prevent the enactment of a bill that contradicts Namibia's international commitments, infringes on constitutional liberties, endangers human rights, and threatens the economic well-being of the nation.

Defend the Supreme Court Ruling: Uphold the integrity, independence, authority and rule of law of the Supreme Court by ensuring that its rulings are respected, implemented, and reflected in the laws of the land.

Instruct Parliament for Inclusive Legislation and End Hate Speech: Instruct the Namibian Parliament to pass legislation that is inclusive, respects human rights, and protects the rights of the LGBTQI+ community- such as the Ombudsman's draft ‘Prohibition of Hate Speech, Hate Crimes and Unfair Harassment Bill’. Advocate for proper parliamentary procedures to be followed, including public consultation and debate decorum that respects the dignity of Namibians, ensuring that laws are enacted in accordance with the principles of the rule of law and constitutional mandates.

Engage in Dialogue: Condemn the rise in hate crimes and speech against the LGBTQI+ community. Foster open and constructive dialogue between government officials, religious leaders, traditional authorities, LGBTQI+ advocates, and other stakeholders to build understanding under the Namibian and address discriminatory misconceptions.

Defend Constitutional and International Human Rights: Protect the fundamental rights and freedoms under Chapter 3: Article 10 [Equality]; Article 8 [Dignity]; and Article 14 [Family]. Uphold Namibia's commitments under the ICCPR, ACHPR, and Resolution 273 by respecting and protecting the human rights of all citizens, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

These actions must be taken so that Namibia can continue to uphold the values of justice, equality, and human dignity that have defined its journey since independence. Namibia can demonstrate its commitment to upholding human rights, fostering inclusivity, and contributing to the global movement toward equal protection under the law. Only if you take the bravest decision yet of your administration, honor the legacy of the late President Hage Geingob and stand on the right of the Constitution by vetoing the bill. 

In the crisis of hate which has claimed the lives of 6 of our fellow queer Namibians, the people are looking to you for leadership and care. We trust that your leadership will ensure Namibia remains a beacon of inclusivity and respect for human rights.


Namibians for Equality and Allies


0people have signed
Goal: 10,000