Help protecting Hungarian trans people

Functionally, this amendment would mean that legal gender recognition would become impossible under any circumstances in Hungary.

The Hungarian government Tuesday, 31 March, released a draft omnibus bill simultaneously amending many laws and provisions. One of the laws proposed for amendment relates to legal gender recognition for trans people – proposing to replace “sex” with “sex assigned at birth” in the national registry and on identity documents, as cited in Article 33 of the omnibus bill.

The amendment comes at a time when the Hungarian Parliament has given Prime Minister Viktor Orbán power to rule by decree indefinitely because of the COVID-19 crisis, which means he no longer needs to consult other lawmakers before making policy decisions.

Call out the government to respect trans people and their rights. Help us to stop this extreme rollback in human rights law! #Drop33

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To the Hungarian Government:

Legal gender recognition is a fundamental right and needs to be guaranteed to protect trans people from discrimination and violence. Without being able to legally change their gender and first name, ordinary things like picking up a parcel, opening a bank account or simply presenting their ID for any other reason can become a daily source of difficulty.

We ask you to withdraw Article 33 of the draft omnibus bill and ensure that legal gender recognition procedures are existent, quick, transparent, and accessible in Hungary.

Yours sincerely,

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