I determine who I am!

German laws still fail trans, intersex, and non-binary people who want to change the gender marker in their personal documents.

Update 12.04.2024: On 12 April 2024, the German Bundestag passed the Act on Self-Determination with regard to Gender Registration (SBGG).

After more than 40 years, the SBGG finally replaces the Transsexuals Act (TSG). It also amends Section 45 of the Civil Status Act, which was introduced in 2018.

This means that from 1 November 2024, trans*, inter* and non-binary people will have the opportunity to change their gender entry and first names by self-disclosure to the registry office.


Update 31 May 2023: A draft for a self-determination law was presented at the beginning of May 2023. Queer organizations welcome the fact that the plans for a corresponding law are finally becoming more concrete after a long wait. At the same time, individual aspects of the draft were also criticized. More information can be found in this statement of the BVT* (in German).


The German "trans act" discriminates against hundreds of thousands of people, who want to change their gender markers or names:     

     - Trans people are forced to undergo a degrading judicial process and humiliating assessments.     

     - Intersex people must present a medical certificate - essentially suggesting that something is wrong with them.

     - Non-binary people have no legal path at all to get an appropriate gender entry.

The "trans act" (Transsexuellengesetz) first came about in 1981. It opened a path for trans people to change their name and gender marker, but it had intrusive and burdensome requirements, such as proof of surgery.

This has since been declared unconstitutional but the current version of the law is still completely outdated. Every time it was updated, changes were made without properly consulting those impacted directly by it.

The demands of trans, intersex and non-binary people must be included in a new law that ensures procedures that are quick, transparent, accessible and based on self-determination.

Help and sign our petition to German authorities.

This campaign is being run in partnership with Bundesverband Trans*.

0people have signed
Goal: 18,000

To the German authorities:

The German "trans act" does not allow trans people a self-determined registration of their gender. Those who want to adapt their gender marker or name are subject to forced outings and a humiliating process.

We demand the immediate drafting of a bill which would allow anyone to change their gender marker and first name on the basis of self-declaration. This new, fair standard should not require a judicial process and medical or psychological assessments. Please make sure to take the demands of the affected communities into consideration when drafting the new bill.

0people have signed
Goal: 18,000