To Poland With Love

Partner cities around the world have the power to convince their Polish twins to respect LGBT+ citizens. Ask them to send a message of love to Poland.

Around 100 Polish municipalities have declared themselves “LGBT-free zones”. This means a third of Poland is affected by policies that have one goal: to exclude Polish LGBT+ people from society and to declare them enemies of the state.

Powerful, ultra-conservative groups have inspired and backed this deluge of hate.

We believe we can convince Polish towns to turn away from hate by sending them a message of love that comes from their partner cities in Europe and other parts of the world.

Partner cities around the world have long-running relationships with their Polish counterparts. They constantly engage in cultural exchange, visits, and mutual support. If they ask their partners to respect the rights of their LGBT+ citizens, their messages will be heard.

All Out and Pulse of Europe have teamed up with Polish LGBT+ activists and developed a set of recommendations on how the partner cities can help.

Sign the petition today and help us convince them to join us.


This campaign is being run in conjunction with Pulse of Europe and is kindly supported by ILGA-Europe, EPOA, LGBTI Liberals of Europe, Atlas of Hate, LSVD, Associazione Radicale Certi Diritti, GayNet, Il Grande Colibrì ODV, Voices4London and Queer Matters.

0people have signed
Goal: 100,000

To: Partner cities of “LGBT-free zones” in Poland

As a partner of a Polish city that has declared itself an “LGBT-free zone”, we ask you to show your solidarity and support to the Polish LGBT+ community under siege.

We encourage you to join other partner cities, to consider the recommended actions provided by the coalition of Polish, European, and international LGBT+ activists and organizations, and to urge your Polish partners to respect and protect the rights of their LGBT+ citizens.

0people have signed
Goal: 100,000