Google & Bing: Stop prioritizing harmful content

Google’s and Bing’s Swahili search results are filled with dangerous misinformation promoting harmful “conversion practices” for LGBT+ people. Demand that they prioritize accurate, affirming information to safeguard lives.

In Kenya, harmful practices aimed at "changing" a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, commonly known as “conversion practices”,  are widespread. Despite being declared as torture and unscientific by leading health and human rights organizations globally, these practices continue to be enforced through coercive and abusive methods, often involving psychological and physical harm. 

On Google and Bing, research has found that searches related to LGBT+ people, particularly those about "conversion practices" or "curing" LGBT+ identities, frequently bring up results that are inaccurate, harmful, or even openly promote discredited and damaging practices. This is dangerous and can contribute to significant harm by encouraging dangerous practices, especially considering that Swahili is the first, and in some cases only language for many people in Kenya and East Africa. 

Join us in calling on Google and Bing to immediately review and moderate Swahili search results related to LGBT+ issues, particularly content concerning “conversion practices”. By improving content moderation in Swahili, Google and Bing can provide reliable and affirming information, helping to reduce stigma, protect mental health, and ultimately save lives.

Together, we can push for change! Sign the petition to demand that Google and Bing provide safe, reliable, and inclusive search results for Swahili-speaking users today.

This campaign is run in partnership with Global Project Against Hate and Extremism.

0people have signed
Goal: 10,000

Sundar Pichai, Google CEO, and Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO:

Searches related to “conversion practices” in Swahili yield results that are full of misinformation, and that promote dangerous practices. While strides have been made in filtering harmful or inaccurate information in English-speaking contexts, Swahili search results lack the same oversight, leaving LGBT+ people, their families, and allies in Swahili-speaking regions exposed to content that promotes stigma and undermines LGBT+ rights. 

While we understand that moderation largely relies on algorithms, the current system is failing to adequately filter harmful content in Swahili. We call on you to enhance your content moderation processes, ensuring that accurate, affirming, and stigma-free information is prioritized in Swahili-language searches on LGBT+ topics. This step is critical in preventing further harm and ensuring that users receive reliable and life-saving information.

By refining your filters and prioritizing trustworthy sources in Swahili, you can play a key role in reducing the risk of harm for LGBT+ people in Kenya and East Africa. We urge you to take immediate action to address this issue and ensure the safety and well-being of Swahili-speaking users.

0people have signed
Goal: 10,000