AT&T, UPS, and Comcast: Stop supporting anti-LGBT+ politicia

AT&T, UPS, and Comcast wave rainbow flags during Pride month but support some of the worst anti-LGBT+ politicians.

More and more corporations are adorning themselves with Pride colors to show support for the LGBT+ movement during Pride season.

Research from Progressive Shopper identified nine rainbow flag-waving U.S. corporations that gave $1 million or more to anti-LGBT+ politicians in the last election cycle, with AT&T, UPS, and Comcast giving the most.

Waving rainbow flags while supporting some of the biggest enemies of LGBT+ rights is an insidious form of "pinkwashing" - when LGBT+ rights are used simply for financial gain.

Ask these companies to stop supporting anti-LGBT+ politicians and prove that they REALLY believe in equality!

0people have signed
Goal: 30,000

To: Randall L. Stephenson, David P. Abney, and Brian L. Roberts, the CEOs of AT&T, UPS, and Comcast.

Your companies make an effort to show support to the LGBT+ movement.

But you also donate millions of dollars to members of Congress who received the worst score on HRC's Congressional Scorecard - and who have a long track record of anti-LGBT+ positions. 

We urge you to show your true commitment as allies to the LGBT+ movement and to cease your financial support for politicians who try to harm the lives of LGBT+ Americans.

0people have signed
Goal: 30,000